How to put an elephant in a containership in 3 steps?
15:00 - 15:45
EDB Laetitia Avrot
Have you ever asked yourself what was all this fuss about Postgres running on containers with Kubernetes? Did you try it several years ago and your scars are still hurting? Are you convinced it’s a good idea for your company but you can’t find out how to proceed? Would you like to know more about the new open source project „CloudNativePG“ and its young community? This conf talk should answer your questions! Come and see why and how you can make Postgres happily running in containers alongside Kubernetes and, most importantly, if that’s a good move for your project and context.

Laetitia Avrot
Lætitia Avrot is Senior Consultant for EDB in France.
She begun working with PostgreSQL in 2007. She also had to learn Oracle and SQL Server at the same time.
She had a lot of exciting experiences with high availability, production crashes, disaster recovery plan, load balancing, spatial data...
She’s involved with the community as she was elected PostgreSQL Europe treasurer, she co-founded Postgres Women, and she's a recognized PostgreSQL project contributor.
She begun working with PostgreSQL in 2007. She also had to learn Oracle and SQL Server at the same time.
She had a lot of exciting experiences with high availability, production crashes, disaster recovery plan, load balancing, spatial data...
She’s involved with the community as she was elected PostgreSQL Europe treasurer, she co-founded Postgres Women, and she's a recognized PostgreSQL project contributor.